Your leadership style depends on you the leader. But it also depends on what works with your people and what the situation calls for.
Starting with your real-life application case, you will learn how to diagnose the performance level for each of the key tasks.
Using the Skill/Will matrix you will identify the four performance levels – P1: Low Skill/High Will, P2: Low Skill/Low Will, P3: High Skill/Low Will and P4: High Skill/High Will. |
The performance output you get from your people depends on the leadership input you provide.
Each performance level needs different leadership input. Low Skill level needs High Task input from the leader. High Skill level needs Low Task input. Low Will level needs High Relationship input. High Will level needs Low Relationship input.
The four leadership strategies depend on the combination of the task and relationship inputs you provide – D1: Direct (High Task and Low Relationship input), D2: Develop (High Task and High Relationship input), D3: Discuss (Low Task and High Relationship input) and D4: Delegate (Low Task and Low Relationship input). |
Influencing your people to do the work, to do it well and to feel good about doing it.
Matching your leadership strategies with the performance levels will help to leverage human performance and enhance organization effectiveness.
Adaptability = Flexibility + Consistency
Adaptability is the flexibility of changing your leadership strategy to consistently match the needs of the performance level for a specific task.
Learning Objectives
One-Day Instructor-Led Course
Pre-Course Preparation
It is recommended that participants review the performance goals of one their staff and bring it to the workshop. This is help them leverage performance with immediate application base on their real-life case. Who Should Attend
Steps for on-going application Step 1 What is the specific task? Step 2 What is the performance level for that specific task? Step 3 What is the leadership strategy for that performance level? Step 4 Prepare and engage in the appropriate 4D Leadership™ conversation. Five key questions for diagnosing performance level 1. How much do you know about the task? 2. Have you done it before? 3. What was the outcome? 4. What do you think? 5. How do you feel? |
Ready to Get Started?
Contact us today to learn more about how you can use 4D Leadership™ to leverage human performance and enhance organization effectiveness.
Contact us today to learn more about how you can use 4D Leadership™ to leverage human performance and enhance organization effectiveness.