Awakening the entrepreneurial spirit in people, companies, and countries.”
We're pleased to announce that after three decades of researching and teaching entrepreneurship around the world, we are introducing our first-ever Online Entrepreneurship Seminars
The World’s Leading Authority On Researching And Teaching Entrepreneurship Larry is the Founder and Chairman of The Farrell Company, the world's leading firm for researching and teaching entrepreneurship. He founded the firm to do ground-breaking research into the high-growth business practices of the world’s great entrepreneurs. With Affiliates in North America, Asia, Europe, South America and Africa, over eight million people, in forty countries, across nine languages, have attended the company’s programs. Clients range from blue-chip global companies to world-class universities to government agencies responsible for economic development. Over the decades, Larry has personally taught entrepreneurship to more individuals, companies, and governments than any person in the world.
His work has received praise from Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Fortune, Business Week, The Conference Board, and the prestigious OECD in Paris. His books have received critical acclaim and are translated into numerous languages. In cooperation with Novita Digital, a leading digital education group, the firm has recently introduced the first online versions of its three main programs: Getting Entrepreneurial seminars for individuals, The Entrepreneurial Organization seminars for companies, and Creating Entrepreneurial Economies for governments. Larry has a diverse background: Peace Corps Volunteer, Harvard Business School, University of California Law School, Vice President of American Express in New York and President of Kepner-Tregoe in Princeton, NJ. He has been a Contributing Editor for The Conference Board Review in New York, a columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine in India, an Advisory Board member to Cambridge University’s Enterprise Solutions to Poverty project in the UK and a consultant to the National Association For Vocational Education In China (NAVEC). |
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